Wednesday, June 29, 2011

PICSPAM: Yogi's three years old!

From then ...

... to now, happy birthday, baby.


My first boy to reach three years. It's special, to me, and bittersweet. Coming from the pain and grief of Yew's death a couple of days before his third birthday to Yogi's celebration is ... like a breath of air after going without for a long time - a huge relief, but with pain still around the edges.

I'm so grateful to Yogi. It takes a unique and strong personality like him to come into a home slowed by grief and return life and joy to it, but that's exactly what he did. He gave me another little boy to love when I was missing mine so much; he gave me back my Pixie, who was overcome by and dying from loneliness, and he hasn't left her side for even a day since.

I love you, my sweet ol' man, and I am so lucky to have you in my business.

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