Monday, July 27, 2009

I think I've been here before...PICSPAM

So, yeah, it's been awhile (and a lot of fert-y news transpired, but I've forgotten most of it, now *g*). We finally were able to find a company that offered internet up here. HughesNet of all things. So I should be posting regularly now. I hope.

In the meantime, Yog's 1st birthday came and went (he got a flicker ball, a new food bowl, and a special dinner of chicken heart and wings). The Triad has also adjusted to the new water (thank god--I'm tired of the stinky, loose poos and my ferts were not happy campers during it, let me tell you).

We also rescued two stray kittens, Asai (ah-sigh) and Sabra (sah-brah). So I'll be posting a few pics of them, as well as some pictures of Cinder the Rabbit (because he's adorable when he's free-roaming).

But, in honor of his first birthday, I'm spamming this post with--you guessed it--YOGI:

*At about 14 weeks*

*At about 4-5 months--chowing down on Carnivore Care*

*At half a year--and the night we brought Sian home. He was a chubby little guy*

*At about 7 months--his favorite pose*

*At about 10.5 months, on a trip to VA. Curling up for a nap in the new ferret room*

*June 29th, 2009--YOGI'S BIRTHDAY! All summer sleek and handsome :)*

More news later--now that we're back for good (really? it's so hard to believe!).

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Yogi!!

    Lots of love and dooks from all your friends down under :)


dook it out