Guess who I found chewing on my bed? Not Yogi-Terror, who I know does it, having caught him a billion times chomping and gnawing on it, until the wood board is exposed (let alone the gigantic hole in the mattress, courtesy of my lovely little boy).
No...not him.
Little Miss Sian.
I heard the noise, and I was gearing up to stop the Godzilla wanna-be, when I flip up the covers, and find her. I always knew she learned too much off of Yogi (hence the name The Twins), but this?
>arrrrrrrrrrrgh<. She didn't like getting in trouble with me, so after the first admonition she steered clear of the bottom part of the bed. And Yogi? He's smart enough to know that it isn't a wise idea to try the same stunt after someone else has gotten in trouble for it. But the way he sniffed the side of her head, kind of reminded me of a teacher saying 'You've chosen wisely, grasshopper.' Because, yeah, most times I'm pretty sure Yogi puts the baby up to it. A ferty mix of demented yoda and evil big brother ("Soon annihilate this bed, will we, Sian. Done well, you have. Yeesssssss. ").
In more food news: I've been wary about giving my guys raw egg...but, I'm thinking about trying it (just one for all three)--to see what they do. Also? We bought turkey legs, and I'm dying to see how they do with them (they get to share 1 leg [since the legs are HUGE]). Yes, I'll definitely be taking pics (or maybe a vid, depending on the light) of that.
Sorry *g*
"But the way he sniffed the side of her head, kind of reminded me of a teacher saying 'You've chosen wisely, grasshopper.' Because, yeah, most times I'm pretty sure Yogi puts the baby up to it. A ferty mix of demented yoda and evil big brother ("Soon annihilate this bed, will we, Sian. Done well, you have. Yeesssssss. ")."
ReplyDeleteOMG--this made me totally laugh out loud. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteYou're welcome ;) The yoda voice got a laugh outta me, too *g*
I give my gang a raw yolk in their smoothy every day - no white, just the yolk - and they seem to thrive on it :)
ReplyDeleteIf I gave it to them very occasionally (e.g. this first time), could I give them the egg white? If they enjoy it, I'd just start giving them the yolk (since I've heard that the whites can inhibit the binding of biotin or something like that).
ReplyDeletemmm....more raw food talk, it is!
ReplyDeleteintrigued i am...
yep, my george is a mattress chewer. he goes for it when he wants a treat. he knows i'll give him a chew stick so he'll stop gnawing the bed! the lil bugger....
Yes, I was told egg whites (albumin) can lead to hemolytic anemia - apparently it was okay to give them cooked eggs (ie scrambled eggs, etc) but not to give them raw egg whites so I've been very careful to just stick to the yolk.