Friday, January 23, 2009

Happy 25th, POPPET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, what's a girl to do when it's her sister's birthday? That's right: ANNOY THE CRAP OUTTA HER. And I, on the special occasion of Poppet's 25th birthday, did JUST THAT--by snapping a whole bunch of pix as she tried to get ready >bwahhahahahahaha<.
*because I promised my sis she could do whatever she wanted to my hair for her b-day. What'd she do? Rubber cement!*

*Wheeee! Vogue it out! Yes, that's me being all stalkerish in the mrror *g*

*Happy B-day girl SINGS!!!!

*No one can ever pose enough >heehee<

*Poppet's finished product in all the glory: pretty and (slightly) pissed*

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