.... health updates on Hiko and Anya!
Anya - her bloodwork showed low blood protein, which could be a sign of liver or kidney issues, but they looked healthy. Instead, Dr. Paul thinks it's a sign that Anya may have a mild case of IBD. For that, I'm still trying to switch her over to the Wysong Epigen (ferret), and after she's solely eating that, we can do blood work again and see if the issues resolved.
Also, for the little miss, she has high cholesterol! Which, even the vet was 8| . Apparently, that's not so common.
And for my Hiko - spleen cytology still wasn't in (so am still waiting for THAT discussion). Dr. Paul does want to retest glucose, because it was low-end normal, so what we might be dealing with is the start of insulinoma.
On the 28th, when I take Anya back for her second distemper booster, I'll take Hiko, as well, and he'll stay for half a day and Dr. Paul will run serial glucose tests to see how low Hiko dips, and we'll treat (or not) accordingly. Anya's des. implantation may have to wait, if Hiko's stuff starts climbing. All depends on that cytology report. I just hope we're not going to have ACD, insulinoma +lymphoma.
And, as you can see, I switched the blog for fall+winter! That's handsome Yogi in the header (slightly blurry, but still adorable!). I ended up taking Anya, Yogi, Sian and Hiko out for little rainy day jaunts (all separately), and got pictures of the boys (I'll get Sian next time, she's absolutely stunning with her winter coat and weight on). Here are some left over pics:
Hiko kept throwing tantrums when he couldn't go everywhere he wanted. This is his pissed off!face |
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