It must have been a supremely long blonde moment that prevented me from noticing this earlier *facepalm* Oh, well.
Now, let me tell you a story. It starts off like this:
[me, entering ferret room--that's yet unclean. Shut *up*]: Hey, babes, whatcha up to?
{Pixie}: Mom, stop flashing that thing in my face! >ugh<
[me, wanders away, sits. Looks down]: AHHHHH! HOLY S***! How did I not notice you?
{Sian, whining}: Mom. MOM! I'm hungryyyyyyyyyy. Mom >sighs<
[me, fending her off]. Okay, okay. I'll go get some food. Just wait.
Some moments later...
{Sian, happily eating}: Nom nom nom. Yummy nom nom...
Some moments after that...
{Sian}: Mmm, thanks, Mom!
[Pan left, some rustling, some thumps. Enter Yogi, confused] {Yogi, huffing enviously}: Mom! I was hungry, toooooooooooooo!
[More rustling. A muffled crash] {Yogi}: I can't believe you fed her and not me!
{Yogi}: Fine! I'm leaving!
[me, tugging hair]: Jesus...freaking...oh my were SLEEPING!
[Exit Yogi] {Sian, slyly}: Ha! Didn't even know I stashed some here...I win!
[Thump. Scrabbling] {Sian}: I lurrrrrrvvvvv you, Mom.
{Sian, content}: Oooooo, time for a nap >yawn<
In other news: I did manage to give Pixie and Yogi their heartworm preventative, as well as give Sian her topical ivermectin >yay!< Well, that's it for now! *whew*
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